This appendix contains the following topics:
Introduction to E.D.I Import\Export Layout
Electronic Data Interchange (E.D.I.) is the electronic exchange of business documents using computers. Data is exchanged between trading partners. Using E.D.I. reduces resources required to manually process orders, invoices, etc. by enabling an import feature into the accounting application.
There is more information on the purpose of E.D.I. and the Order Entry E.D.I. interface in the E.D.I. Overview section of the Orders chapter.
The following section contains a list of the fields available for the E.D.I. import layout.
There can be several record types in an E.D.I. import file: Header, Notes, Line and a Comment record. Each type is documented separately below. Here are some line and record import requirements:
• | The PBS system defaults to DIORDIMP.TXT for the import file name, but you can name the file anything you want as long as the file name is no more than 8 characters plus 3 characters for the extension. |
• | All lines in the import file should be padded with spaces or zeroes as appropriate to the end of the line. Each line should be terminated with a carriage return - line feed (CR/LF) character set. |
• | For one order the sequence of lines in the import file should be Header record, Line record(s), Comment record, and finally Note Record(s). Comments and Notes are optional. Repeat as necessary for additional orders. There can be multiple orders in one import file. |
• | There can be only one Header record and one Comment record to multiple Note and Line records. |
• | An order should consist of at least one Header and one Line. |
• | Comment and Note records are optional. |
Some fields are described as This field is not imported or calculated during the import process. These fields are generated when importing; therefore values should not be included in the import file. To account for the length of those fields, blank or zeros should be inserted.
The layout of the export file is essentially the same as the import file layout. However, some fields will exist in the export layout that are not required for the import layout; like the order number and invoice number. Some fields are calculated during the import, but will exist in the export. These are noted in the \E.D.I. field notes below.
PBS v12.06 Layout Change
Due to the expansion of the name field, address fields, purchase order number and invoice number the export and import layouts changed for v12.06 as compared to older versions of PBS.
These changes occur in the expanded bill-to and ship-to name and address fields. The city, state and zip are now three separate fields. There are now new address 3, address 4 and county fields. The purchase order number is now up to 30 characters. The invoice number and credit memo apply-to number are both expanded from 6 to 7 digits.
Many of the fields have specific import formatting requirements and here are some of them:
• | Numeric format with assumed decimal places. The V character assumes the decimal place. The LIN-QTY-ORD field is designated as 13 bytes with sign trailing separate. The format of the field is 8 integers, 4 decimal, and the sign, for a total of 13 bytes. This is denoted as 99999999V9999+. in the file. The imported field should not contain the V character and will look like the following; 999999999999+. |
• | Date format, CCYYMMDD, where CC = Century, YY = Year, MM = Month, and DD = Day of the month. 20180901 = January 09, 2018. |
• | Time format, HHMMSSTT, where H = Hour, M = Minute, S = Second, and T = Hundredths of a second. |
• | Alphanumeric fields that are not imported should be padded with spaces. Numeric fields that are not imported should be padded with zeroes and a +/- sign if the number is signed. |
There must be one and only one header record per order. The following table lists the E.D.I. header import fields:
CSV field name |
Description |
Length |
Starting TXT column |
Type |
Layout |
Notes |
Record Type |
1 |
1 |
Alpha |
Required. The value H denotes Header record. |
Order number, this is assigned during import process |
6 |
2 |
Numeric |
999999 |
This is the order number and is required only if deleting an existing order. Otherwise the program will create the number. |
E.D.I. document number |
12 |
8 |
Alpha |
Required. This is the EDI document number. |
Order type |
1 |
20 |
Alpha |
This field must contain either a space or "D". If this has a value of "D" it will delete a previously imported order as long as it has not been processed and it has a matching HDR-ORD-NO (order number). |
Order date |
8 |
20 |
Numeric |
99999999 (CCYYMMDD) |
Required |
Sales rep code for the order |
3 |
29 |
Alpha |
Required. It must match a sales rep that is on file in PBS. |
Customer's purchase order number for this order |
30 |
32 |
Alpha |
Order ship date |
8 |
62 |
Numeric |
99999999 (CCYYMMDD) |
This date cannot be earlier than the order date. |
This field is not imported |
8 |
70 |
Numeric |
99999999 (CCYYMMDD) |
Use zeros. |
Ship via code |
3 |
78 |
Alpha |
Required |
Ship via description |
15 |
81 |
Alpha |
Required. It must match the description. of the Ship Via Code description in PBS. |
Ship zone code |
3 |
96 |
Alpha |
This field is not imported |
25 |
99 |
Alpha |
Customer's order terms code |
3 |
124 |
Alpha |
Required |
Customer's order tax code |
3 |
127 |
Alpha |
Required. It must match a tax code in PBS. |
Warehouse code for the order |
2 |
129 |
Alpha |
This field is required if multi-warehouses are used in Inventory Control. Otherwise it can be blank. See the I/C Control information doc. |
This field is not imported |
8 |
132 |
Numeric |
99999999 |
This is defaulted from O/E Control information. |
This is the apply to invoice number if the order is a credit memo |
7 |
140 |
Numeric |
9999999 |
This field is required if the order is a credit memo. It must match an invoice in invoice history. |
This field is not imported |
7 |
141 |
Numeric |
999V999+ |
This field is populated based on the commission percent on the salesman or customer record. |
This field is not imported |
11 |
154 |
Numeric |
99999999V99+ |
Imported |
11 |
165 |
Numeric |
99999999V99+ |
Discount percent |
6 |
176 |
Numeric |
99V999+ |
This field is not imported |
11 |
182 |
Numeric |
99999999V99+ |
This field is not imported |
11 |
193 |
Numeric |
99999999V99+ |
This field is calculated based on the tax code in PBS. |
This field is not imported |
13 |
204 |
Numeric |
99999999V9999+ |
Number of shipping labels for order |
2 |
217 |
Numeric |
99 |
Number of Cash on Delivery labels for order |
2 |
218 |
Numeric |
99 |
This field is not imported |
12 |
221 |
Numeric |
99999999V999+ |
This field is calculated based on each item's weight. |
The next 14 fields contain the customer, number, name and address |
Customer number |
12 |
233 |
Alpha |
Required. if the number is numeric it must have leading zeros. |
Customer name |
50 |
245 |
Alpha |
Required |
Middle initial |
1 |
295 |
Alpha |
Suffix |
20 |
295 |
Alpha |
Name flag |
1 |
316 |
Alpha |
Billing address line one |
60 |
317 |
Alpha |
Required |
Billing address line two |
60 |
377 |
Alpha |
Required |
Billing address line three |
60 |
437 |
Alpha |
Billing address line four |
60 |
497 |
Alpha |
Billing city |
45 |
557 |
Alpha |
Required |
Billing state |
23 |
302 |
Alpha |
Required |
Billing zip code |
15 |
625 |
Alpha |
Required |
Billing county |
45 |
640 |
Alpha |
Billing country |
3 |
685 |
Alpha |
This section starts the Ship-to address |
Ship to number set up in PBS |
8 |
772 |
Alpha |
If a customer ship to number is not provided for the order it is set to zeros. This means the customer address is used for the shipping address. |
Ship to Name |
50 |
780 |
Alpha |
Required |
Ship-to address 1 |
60 |
852 |
Alpha |
Required |
Ship-to address 2 |
60 |
912 |
Alpha |
Required |
Ship-to address 3 |
60 |
972 |
Alpha |
Ship-to address 4 |
60 |
1032 |
Alpha |
Ship-to city |
45 |
1092 |
Alpha |
Ship-to state |
23 |
1137 |
Alpha |
Ship-to zip code |
15 |
1168 |
Alpha |
Ship-to county |
45 |
1175 |
Alpha |
Ship-to country |
3 |
1220 |
Alpha |
Ship-to contact sequence number |
8 |
1223 |
Numeric |
99999999 |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
Ship-to contact last name |
35 |
1231 |
Alpha |
This field is not used. it is for future development. |
Ship-to contact first name |
20 |
1266 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
Ship-to contact middle initial |
1 |
1286 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
Ship-to contact suffix |
20 |
1287 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
This field is not imported |
25 |
1307 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
This field is not imported |
25 |
1332 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
This field is not imported |
25 |
1357 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
This field is not imported |
25 |
1382 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
This field is not imported |
25 |
1407 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
This field is not imported |
128 |
1432 |
Alpha |
This field is not used and is for future development. |
This field is not imported |
1 |
1560 |
Alpha |
This field is not imported |
7 |
1561 |
Numeric |
–9999999 |
This field is not imported |
8 |
1568 |
Numeric |
–99999999 (CCYYMMDD) |
This field is not imported |
12 |
1576 |
Numeric |
999999999V99+ |
This field is not imported because the order total is calculated during the import process. |
This field is not imported |
12 |
1588 |
Numeric |
999999999V99+ |
This field is not imported |
12 |
1600 |
Numeric |
999999999V99+ |
This field is not imported |
6 |
1612 |
Numeric |
999999 |
This field is calculated during the import process. |
This field is not imported |
14 |
1618 |
Numeric |
99999999V99999+ |
This field is calculated during the import process. |
This field is not imported |
8 |
1632 |
Numeric |
99999999 (CCYYMMDD) |
This field is not imported |
8 |
1640 |
Numeric |
99999999 |
There may be multiple notes records per order. Here are the fields:
Field name |
Description |
Length |
Type |
Layout |
Notes |
Note record type |
1 |
Alpha |
Required. The value N denotes a Comment / Note record. |
Order number |
6 |
Numeric |
999999 |
The number is assigned during the import process. Do not import this field. |
EDI document number |
12 |
Alpha |
Required. This is the EDI Document Order number. It must match the HDR-EDI-DOC-NO field in the header record. |
Comment ID |
20 |
Alpha |
This field is not used. |
Comment text |
78 |
Alpha |
Required |
This field is not imported |
8 |
Numeric | 99999999 (CCYYMMDD) |
This field is not imported |
8 |
Numeric | 99999999 |
There may be multiple line records per order. Here are the fields:
Field name |
Description |
Length |
Starting column |
Type |
Layout |
Notes |
Line Item indicator; see notes column |
1 |
1 |
Alpha |
Required. The value L denotes a Line record. |
Order Number |
6 |
2 |
Numeric |
999999 |
This is assigned during the import process. Do not import this field. |
EDI Document number |
12 |
8 |
Alpha |
Required. This is the EDI Document Order number, It should match HDR-EDI-DOC-NO. |
Line number |
5 |
20 |
Numeric |
99999 |
This field is not imported. The order line numbers are calculated during the import process. |
Item number |
15 |
25 |
Alpha |
Required. If numeric you must have leading zeros. |
Item UPC code |
20 |
40 |
Alpha |
If this field is blank it will be skipped, if this field has a non-space value it will be verified against the I/C Item keyword file. |
Line item description 1 |
25 |
60 |
Alpha |
If this field is blank it will be defaulted from the item file record. |
Line Item description 2 |
25 |
85 |
Alpha |
If this field is blank it will be defaulted from the item file record. |
Warehouse code for the line item |
2 |
110 |
Alpha |
This field is required if multiple warehouses are being used in I/C, otherwise leave it blank. |
Drop ship flag |
1 |
112 |
Alpha |
If the item is to be drop shipped to the customer this field should be set to Y. |
This field is not imported |
1 |
113 |
Alpha |
Order line discount percent |
6 |
114 |
Numeric |
99V9999 |
Order line ship date |
8 |
120 |
Numeric |
99999999 (CCYYMMDD) |
This field is not imported |
3 |
128 |
Alpha |
This field is not imported |
8 |
131 |
Numeric |
99999999 |
Line reference |
15 |
139 |
Alpha |
Stocking unit of measure |
4 |
154 |
Alpha |
This must match the item's stocking unit of measure or one of the alternate units of measure. |
Quantity ordered |
13 |
158 |
Numeric |
99999999V9999+ |
This field is not imported |
13 |
171 |
Numeric |
99999999V9999+ |
This field is not imported |
13 |
184 |
Numeric |
99999999V9999+ |
This field is not imported |
13 |
197 |
Numeric |
99999999V9999+ |
Line extended amount. This field is not imported |
13 |
210 |
Numeric |
99999999V9999+ |
This is calculated during import. This is price times quantity |
Line item unit price |
13 |
223 |
Numeric |
99999999V9999+ |
Required. |
This field is not imported |
12 |
236 |
Numeric |
9999999V99999 |
This field is not imported |
8 |
248 |
Numeric |
99999999 |
This field is not imported |
8 |
256 |
Numeric |
99999999 |
There can be one comment per order. Here are the fields:
Field name |
Description |
Length |
Type |
Layout |
Notes |
Comment indicator, see notes |
1 |
Alpha |
Required. The value C denotes a Comment record. |
Order number, this is assigned during import process |
6 |
Numeric |
999999 |
Zero fill |
EDI document number should match HDR-EDI-DOC-NO |
12 |
Alpha |
Required. This is the EDI Document Order number. |
This field is not imported |
5 |
Numeric |
9999 |
The order comment line number is defaulted to 9999 with zero fill. |
Comment data |
150 |
Alpha |